Meet the 2021 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Ryan P.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Living through a global pandemic with a chronic illness, what is one piece of inspirational advice that you would give to other students with CF who are in the same or similar position?"
Living through a global pandemic has been challenging for everyone. Some people lost jobs, businesses, couldn’t provide for their families, or just simply couldn’t find happiness. For me, living with a chronic illness has prepared me to deal with difficult situations. Through the Covid-19 pandemic there have been some extraordinary circumstances that have made things even tougher. However, it doesn’t help to dwell over the challenges you are faced with, but rather focus on the things you can do or things to look forward to. It is unfortunate we can’t see our friends and family like we are used to, but when the pandemic subsides, it will make it all that more special to see everyone and be able to do the things we love and have missed. Many important events have been canceled, sports, dances, and special events. For some people, these challenges and disappointments can become overwhelming. If we choose to look forward to the good things to come, it can help us get through the difficulties we deal with daily. Although right now the good times seem far and few between, at some point, things will turn around and that will change. When we make it to that point, all of these challenges will have been worth it.
- National Honor Society 11th & 12th, Treasurer 2020-2021
- Pembroke Science Club 10th, 11th & 12th, President 2019-2021
- Pembroke Veterans Outreach 11th & 12th, President 2020-2021
- Pembroke DECA 10th, 11th & 12th, Fundraiser Officer 2020-2021
- JV & Varsity Basketball Team 9th, 10th & 11th
- Varsity Cross Country 10th & 12th
- Varsity Indoor Track 12th
- Varsity Track & Field 12th
- Outstanding Physical Education Student of the Year 2019-2020 (Regional)
- Volunteer Work-Refurbish playground & skills coach for youth basketball clinics