Meet the 2023 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Allie V.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Write a letter to your younger self during a key moment in your life addressing one or more of the following: words of encouragement, lessons you have learned and/or challenges you have overcome."
Allie (2017), You're becoming older and everything around you is changing-new schools, classes, and people. Which is hard, especially with the confusing lifestyle you're already living due to CF. You're interrogated with the same questions every day; "Why do you stop at the nurse's office?", Why do you take pills?", "Why do you leave sleepovers so early?"-- You know the simple answer but that's about it. All your life, your parents and doctors have pushed you to take your pills and do your treatments. You know you NEED to do these things to stay healthy even though you don't feel sick. It's a hassle; never being allowed to go to last minute plans because of treatments, hiding taking pills in front of your friends, never being able to go to the nail salon or hot tub, etc. Having a genetic condition is uncontrollable, but what you can do is decide how much of an impact it's going to make in your life. All of these things that make you feel like you're the odd one out or how you can never be normal like the rest of your friends, are all temporary problems. What really matters is keeping up with your CF. It's not embarrassing to strive to live a healthy life. The truth is, later in life when you start to research your own condition, you'll find your passion for learning about the human body. Generally, CF is going to help you discover what you want to do in life. Now, just turning 18, you're an STNA and going to nursing school in the fall. You'll see your nurses and care team in a new way, finally understanding how hard they work, how intelligent they are, and how they're real life superheroes. You'll want to follow in their footsteps and become a nurse one day. You'll take this hardship and turn it into something positive, a new reason to keep pushing and maintaining your health so you can have a purpose; caring for others. In addition, having a genetic condition is helping you develop a complimentary work ethic. Being able to manage your time in which you can maintain your health, grades, social life, sports, and job is extremely impressive and something to be proud of. Your worth is not valued by others' opinions. Maturing is knowing the importance of taking care of yourself and not hiding what makes you, YOU. It's hard because you have no friends that can relate to your struggles. Well, they can't relate but they can try to understand. You can even inspire them one day too. You won't be seen just as the girl with CF, you'll be seen as the girl who always has their homework done, who is always willing to volunteer first, who always has a listening ear, who is top in her nursing class, who is libero for the volleyball team, and has CF too. Keep pushing and always make time for your treatments xx Love, Allie (2023)
Allie V.'s Artwork
Allie V.'s Achievements
- Pep Club, Officer, 2022-2023
- National Honor Society, member, 2020-2023
- National Technical Honor Society, Secretary, 2022-2023
- Spanish Club, member, 2019-2022
- Volleyball Team, member, 2019-2023, a captain senior year
- Central Presbyterian Church, member, 2019-2023
- Central Presbyterian Church, teacher's aide, 2019-2023
- Starlight School of Dance, member, 2019-2023
- Starlight School of Dance, teacher's aide, 2021-2022
- Class Advisory, member, 2019-2023
- Nursing Professions CTE, member, representative, and top of class, 2019-2023
- STNA, Amherst Meadows, 2022-present