Meet the 2019 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Emily H.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Choose one inspirational quote or motto that has helped you throughout your journey with cystic fibrosis. How do you live by your quote or motto and how has it motivated you to accomplish your goals?"
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” - Abraham Lincoln. This quote has inspired me to view my life with CF in a different light. Living with CF, it is easy to be discouraged by the short life expectancy that comes along with this condition. Today, the average lifespan for people with CF is 37 years. While that number is still too short, it’s not the length of life, but the life in those years like my inspirational quote says. Having CF, I have learned to never take a day for granted because I never know which one could be my last. Instead of focusing on the possibility of a short life, I have chosen to live in every moment. I strive to live by this quote daily as I never let CF hinder my success. In both high school and college, I have used my chronic illness as a motivating factor to get involved in my community and make the biggest impact possible while I still have the opportunity. I have never let CF prevent me from accomplishing my goals especially mine to become a teacher. As an aspiring teacher, I hope to encourage children to dream big and live impactful lives just as I strive to do myself. Just like my sculpture of wire lungs and flowers growing from within shows, I’m still able to fully embrace a spirited life despite the years limited by my illness.
Emily H.'s Artwork
Emily H.'s Achievements
- Auburn University Dean’s List: Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
- Honor Societies: NHS, German Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, Phi Eta Sigma, Lambda Sigma Sophomore Honor Society, Cardinal Key Junior Honor Society, Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, 2016-Present
- Bruster’s Real Ice Cream: Scooper, Crew Leader, Birthday Party Host, 2015-2018
- Camp Straight Street: Counselor, Team Captain, Summer 2018
- Alpha Chi Omega Sorority: Recording Secretary, Greek Sing Dancer & Business Chair, Pearl Girl Leader, Intramural Basketball Player, Freshman Bible Study Member, T-Shirt Committee, Membership Programming Committee, 2017-Present
- Varsity Majorettes: Social Chair, Sparkly School Teacher & Choreographer, 2014-2017
- Relay for Life: Survivorship Committee Member, Personally raised over $700 for the American Cancer Society, 2014-2018
- Shades Mountain Baptist Church: Youth Group Member, Church Basketball Team Player, Discipleship Group, Vacation Bible School Student Leader, Preschool Childcare Volunteer, Hand in Hand Special Needs Volunteer, 2014-Present
- College Activities: Emerge Freshman Leadership Program 2017-2018, The BIG Event Student-run Volunteer Day Participant 2018, Boys & Girls Club of Auburn Volunteer 2018, Joyland Daycare Volunteer 2018, Campus Kitchens Volunteer 2019, Storybook Farms Horseback Volunteer 2019
- High School Activities: Yearbook Staff 2016-2017, Literacy Club 2015-2017, Habitat for Humanity 2014-2015